Giving Back
Looking for amazing jewelry that serves a greater good? I am. Deborah Klezmer Designs dedicates a portion of proceeds from these pieces to the charitable organizations indicated.
We Are All Related
Inspired by my friendship with Sky Redhawk, the We Are All Related necklace was created to help donate funding to the Native American relief effort during Covid-19. It serves as a reminder that we are one human family. I hope you'll check out the above video about this piece. It's not every day one witnesses a creative collaboration between a musician and a jeweler. 50% of proceeds from this necklace will be donated to the Native American Relief Fund
I Got You
In these strange days, we do have each other. I made this necklace after saying this phrase to a friend and it just made me feel...better. This sterling silver necklace is a bold reminder that our strength grows when we share it with others. 25% of proceeds from this necklace will be donated to Esperanza Shelter which provides essential services for victims of domestic violence.
We Will Never Give up Our Radios
This necklace is dedicated to my grandfather, Holocaust resistance leader Hermann Wygoda. His first act of defiance against the Nazis was to ignore the order for Jews to surrender their short-wave radios. He credited this decision with saving his life in the early days of the war. With access to news, he was able to stay ahead of troop movements and ultimately made his way to the mountains of Savona, Italy, where he commanded a partisan unit fighting the Nazis and Fascists. 30% of proceeds from this necklace will be donated to the Student Press Law Center which defends the First Amendment Rights of high school and college journalists.
Special thanks to filmmaker Kirsten Russell for so beautifully documenting these projects.